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Yoga Classes Kendal

Yoga Practice
Yoga Class

The benefits of Yoga with Tracy Dixon

I have been teaching Yoga since 1999, during that time I have amassed over 5,000 client facing sessions & taught over 20,000 individuals. I have a huge wealth of experience to draw upon & I have continued to learn since my original qualification back in 1999 in London, increasing my knowledge & expertise as human science, psychology & understanding has moved on. I have experienced & taught Yoga, Relaxation & Meditation around the world over the last twenty years which gives me a lot of depth to draw upon when I am teaching.

In 2009 I became a qualified & registered Hypnotherapist, which has helped me & many other people in my classes especially during the relaxation & meditation phases.

I teach Hatha Yoga, Power Yoga specifically for runners, cyclists, sports & active people. 

I also teach Gentle Yoga ideal for 50 years + & those people wanting to work pro-actively on improving a range of Mental Health conditions; stress, anxiety, depression, disorders...

My passion is to experience how I can use all the techniques I have learnt to help you get what you want. To improve the issues you would like to change, in a way that is not a temporary fix but a life-long solution.

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Yoga Class Schedule-Kendal

Yoga Position 6
Yoga Class
Hands Clasped in Yoga Posture
Child's Pose
Yoga Class
Meditation Class

Day-     Mondays

Class-      Yoga mixed ability, Kendal

                 Ideal for runners, cyclist, sports & active people

Time-      6.30-7.15pm

Where-   The First Place Kirkland, Kendal   

COST- £5 pay as you go




Day-      Saturdays Starting Feb 2025

Class-     Heated Yoga & Relaxation 18-22* | Full body | Deep stretch

Time-     10.00-11.00am- Ideal for stress, anxiety reduction,

reducing muscle stiffness & increasing mobility,

flexibility and range of movement.

Where-   The First Place Fitness, Kendal 

COST- £10 pay as you go




The physical & mental benefits of Yoga, mindful movement & relaxation 

  • Better flexibility & mobility with the benefit of moving with more range & freedom.

  • Sports injury prevention. Tight & short muscles create a whole range of joint problems & imbalances, restricting performance. Stretching regularly can prevent those issues.

  • Improved posture & tone, stronger back & core through consistent practice.

  • Stress & anxiety reduction. Lowering your levels of the stress hormone cortisol after just 10 minutes. Slowing down over active brain activity, giving your central nervous system time to 'switch off' & re-set.

  • Decreased blood pressure, alleviation of insomnia, getting you a better nights sleep.

Yoga Position 7
iPhone in Hand

Text me
to fast track
your bookings

O77O9 594 947

The First Place Kendal Group Exercise an
  • Tracy Dixon Mind and Body Fit Facebook
  • Tracy Dixon Mind and Body Fit YouTube
  • @tracydixonmindbodyfit

The First Place, Kirkland, Kendal LA9 5AF 

Tracy Dixon Mind & Body Fit 2025

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