I'm really excited about launching a BRAND NEW indoor cycling fitness programme....
Spinning- 5 Colour Zones Aerobic & Power Training
Do you want to get fit without jumping about?
Do you want to improve your aerobic stamina?
Are you motivated by tracking your individual performance & seeing how you improve?
Do you enjoy being in a group for motivation... but like your own space?
Do you want to learn & do something NEW & DIFFERENT?
Then this is the class for you!
It's an aerobic stamina & power orientated (Wattrate) spinning class
based on your individual personal data settings that give you training zones depicted in 5 colour zones.
Wattrate= Is a direct measurement of your power output (effort) on the bike in real time.
It combines your peddling frequency (speed/rpm) and pedal traction (resistance).
Only you can see your colour zones & the ride is yours.
You are not in competition with anyone else & only you can see your performance figures as you ride.
White- Active Recovery Zone/ light resistance
Blue- Aerobic Endurance Zone/ light/medium resistance
Green- Aerobic Stamina Training Zone/ medium resistance
Yellow- Aerobic Lactate Threshold Zone/ hard resistance
Red- Anaerobic Capacity & Neuromuscular Power Zone/ Maximum output
No joint impact.
Instant feedback on your cycling performance using the functions & data panel in front of you.
Highly motivating group atmosphere.
Improvement of your aerobic fitness, endurance & stamina alongside your power that can be tracked from class to class.
No age or fitness level barriers (this really is the MOST inclusive class I have ever taught).
It's good fun & you can set yourself personal challenges.
It's the perfect running, swimming & hiking partner. Improving your cardiovascular system capacity avoiding injury through repetition & pounding.
BOOK ONTO A TRAINING CLASS.. And then you know;
Exactly how it all works
How to set your bike & functions up
Text: 07709 594 947 TRAINING CLASS DATES (availability 14/8/2022)
Tuesday 6th Sept- 9 places remaining
Tuesday 13th Sept- 13 places remaining
Tuesday 20th Sept- 14 places remaining
Tuesday 27th Sept- 15 places remaining
Training & class cost £8 pay as you go
Tuesday's 7-8pm
Saturday's 9-10am
Once you have done a training class you will be able to enjoy the Tuesday or Saturday classes with confidence & evolve your knowledge & experience with each class. Text me to book your bike: 07709 594 947 Love Tracy x