5 easy ways to make your weight loss efforts a success!
It can be difficult after the initial positive start, especially if your results start to slow & your motivation takes a back seat.
I’m here with some practical tips to keep you going, when the going gets tough…
1. Start by asking the question; why have I put weight on? This can be powerful & give you answers that you can tackle one by one; new job? More sitting? Less activity? Lifestyle changes? Bereavement? Menopause? Illness or injury?...
QUICK WIN- Keep a food, drink & activity diary for a week & then you can spot patterns & work from reality rather than guessing what’s gone wrong & totally underestimating the amount of calories you’re eating & drinking. After 2 weeks see how it all stacks up & make some changes & create a plan for the next 4 weeks.
2. Set yourself goals to work towards daily, weekly & 4 weeks apart. Celebrate success with non-food rewards.
3. Make changes that work for your lifestyle. If you live with someone it’s vital you get them onboard & have that support. Plan your meals, shop in advance & batch cook for time saving.
4. Eat a balanced diet with mostly single ingredient foods; meat, fish, veg, fruit… & watch out for ‘healthy’ marketed quick fixes. Low calorie can equal high fat, sugar & salt.
5. Make sure you are doing strength training to keep your muscle mass improving. This will stoke up your metabolic fires & stave off plateaus. Aim for 2 strength training sessions in 7 days & 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity (NHS guideline recommendations for adults over the age of 19 years).
Repeat, repeat, repeat until you reach your desired outcomes.
Stuck? Need nutritional guidance & support? I can help when you’re ready to commit & want to change. I will help you get your brain & mind behind your body so that every part of you is ‘bought in’ & heading in the same direction.
Tracy x