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Tracy Dixon

When I first met Lucy she could hardly move her arms and certainly couldn’t raise the right arm higher than her shoulder without pain….

Lucy’s words....

Having suffered two bad frozen shoulders, I contacted Tracy to ask her advice about classes that would aid my recovery. I started weekly Pilates and Yoga. In the beginning I struggled due to the restricted movement in my shoulder but Tracy is so positive and encouraging she kept me motivated. 3 months on and the classes have made a huge difference. I feel strong and have re-gained so much movement, strength and flexibility. I now have the confidence and have just started Body Pump Strength Resistance Training with Tracy to increase my strength even more.

I really enjoy the classes and get a great sense of well-being both physically and mentally.

Thank you

Lucy x

Lucy’s determination to be rehabilitate herself is inspiring and hugely admirable. Shoulders are complex in nature.


It takes a lot of courage to move your mind-set to thinking proactively when you have been suffering for a long time. It takes mental, emotional and physical energy.


I am so privileged to have been part of Lucy’s journey and feel so joyful every time I see her reaching both her arms above her head fully outstretched.


Everyone’s journey is different…

Every approach to recovery and rehabilitation is unique…


I care, I am connected personally and want serve as many people as I can to be healthy, fit and well.


Congratulations Lucy for keeping going and for giving so many other people HOPE of what is possible when you put your mind and body into action in the right direction.

Love Tracyx

>> If you want to solve a problem?

>>Get stronger?

>>Improve your mobility?

Here are 3 important links to read all on my web-site

Yoga Classes in Kendal

Pilates Classes in Kendal

Body Pump Classes Kendal

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The First Place, Kirkland, Kendal LA9 5AF 

Tracy Dixon Mind & Body Fit 2025

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