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Tracy Dixon

4 Tips to improve your mood

Tracy Dixon mind and body fit

Would you like to have more energy & feel motivated & up for it over the next month?

Here are my 4 Top Tips that will immeasurably improve your mood this month.

Getting motivated to get out of bed in a morning can be hard especially when it is cold, dark & usually wet! It’s not uncommon for a change in the weather & seasons to dampen our moods a bit. For a little extra BOOST here are my 4 steps to follow to help you feel much better within days. Have you got any tips on how to beat the winter blues? Please share, love to know…


Comfort eating & cold weather often go hand in hand but unfortunately, reaching for your favourite chocolates or takeaways isn’t going to help as, once the sugar wears off, you’ll feel worse than before. But certain foods have lasting powers that help reduce anxiety, fight depression & can turn your bad day around.

Foods high in Omega-3 have been linked to reduced feelings of anxiety & depression by maintaining healthy levels of dopamine & serotonin, the brain chemicals responsible for keeping you happy.

Omega-3 can be found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines & anchovies as well as in seeds.


Winter can be tough enough, but add in any extra stress such as at work leading up to Christmas & the change in season can leave your mind & body lacking oommpphh. The increase in cortisol, the stress hormone, can lead to an increase in cholesterol, leave you more susceptible to winter colds & bugs & an increase in unwanted belly fat. Exercising even just 10 minutes will give you that endorphin rush leaving you feeling happy for longer. Get your heart pumping & decrease your stress levels.


Group Exercise has been scientifically to boost all your positive happy hormones leaving you feeling totally motivated & uplifted. The combination of being around like-minded people, with upbeat music doing exercises that release mood boosting brain chemicals can leave you on a high for the next 24 hours, not to mention all the practical, health & fitness benefits. Want to take part in Group Exercise over the next month? Send me a private message & I will send you the full class timetable.


One of the easiest ways to feel happier is to meet up with friends & family. Research suggests the more people socialise the less likely they are to feel down. If everyone you know is busy, smile at a stranger. Just the act of smiling can be one of the best mood boosters – it can make someone’s day & yours!

Have a positive & uplifting week.


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