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Chair Exercise Classes, Kendal
Strength, Fitness, Mobility, Flexibility & Coordination

Tuesday's 11.30-12.15pm 
Friday's 12.00-12.45pm

At The First Place Fitness, Kirkland, Kendal
£5 pay as you go

Tracy Dixon Mind and Body Fit Chair Exercise Classes at First Place Fitness Kirkland Kenda
What do we do in Chair Based Exercise Classes?

​As a Functional Aging Specialist it is of the upmost importance to me that classes are designed for inclusive & maximum participation for everyone regardless of age, capabilities & starting points.

The class is set to background music from all decades & genres.

There are 5 sections in the chair based exercise class:-

  1. Mobility, warming up joints & muscles.

  2. Upper body strength, stretching & toning. There are a range of weights available to use in this section.

  3. Lower body strength, mobility, stretching & toning. There are resistance bands that can be used in this section.

  4. Core strength, core stability, back stretching & strengthening exercises.

  5. Improving overall motor control, flexibility, coordination & balance section.

  • You want to improve your strength, mobility, fitness and flexibility but struggle being on your knees or standing for long periods of time.


  • You are recovering from an illness or injury and you want to build up your strength and mobility with exercises you can do.


  • You have a back problem and would benefit from getting stronger using the leverage and support of the chair whilst you exercise.


  • You are eager to exercise and would find being able to work from your chair in a group setting motivating and confidence building.


  • You have just had a baby or are pregnant and want to build up your core strength, overall tone and keep fit.


  • You want to get back into exercise after a break or start exercise and have never taken part in a class or programme before and looking to boost your confidence, gain core strength, stability, overall tone, strength, flexibility and improve your balance.


  • You are wanting to improve your cardiovascular health after surgery.


  • You have a range of health conditions that you know be improved by exercising and doing a structured, fun class that offers variety, progression and ways to adapt based on your needs beneficial both physically and mentally.

Who is the Chair Exercise Class for?

What's behind the design of my Chair Exercise Classes?

I design in all elements of physical functioning. I select from each of the elements below & interweave them into the 45 minute classes. I draw upon a number of skills & specialisms that I have developed over 3 decades of teaching, educating & coaching to adapt & progress based on each persons specific needs. This is what we work, the activities of daily living it improves & the medical, health, mind & body conditions that are greatly benefited, rehabilitated, reversed or stabilised.


Elements of physical functioning worked- 

  • Strength- power & speed

  • Joint integrity- stability, mobility & range of movement

  • Endurance

Improving the following activities of daily living-

Lifting items, carrying bags, holding things, gardening, walking up & down steps, getting into the car, bus or walking, bending down & getting out of chairs, shower & bath..

Benefiting these medical, health, mind & body conditions- 

Osteoporosis, osteopenia,  increasing bone density, arthritis, non specific joint pain, sciatica, reduces the risk of falls & repetitive strain injuries, greatly reducing the risk of coronary events & assisting in the recovery of cardiovascular disease, stroke, joint replacement surgeries & injury rehabilitation.


Elements of physical functioning worked-

  • Motor control

  • Coordination

  • Reaction times

  • Proprioception

Improving the following activities of daily living-

Catching things, turning & changing your bodies position, direction of movement, moving quickly & knowing where you are in a space, all tasks which involve balance & coordination; getting dressed, walking, cooking & dance.

Benefiting these medical, health, mind & body conditions- 

Movement-related disorders include motor neuron disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease, muscular dystrophy & polio. Pain & joint dysfunction, injury recovery & postural stability.


Elements of physical functioning worked-

  • Motivation

  • Memory

  • Problem solving

  • Confidence

Improving the following activities of daily living-

Building healthy relationships, managing emotions & resolving conflicts. Personal & self care, eating, managing personal administration, shopping & thinking clearly, making decisions & reasoning.

Benefiting these medical, health, mind & body conditions- 

Managing stress, mood, grief, anxiety, depression & improves mental & emotional health & well-being through movement, exercise, music & engaging in positive social interactions in a friendly environment.

Play with your grandchildren

Enjoy walks with friends

Take the dogs out for a walk

Complete crosswords puzzles

Tend to plants & do gardening


Elements of physical functioning worked-

  • Centre of gravity control

  • Stepping

  • Posture

  • Multi sensory 

Improving the following activities of daily living-

Reaching up or down into cupboards, turning to look around, changing direction, moving with coordination, ease & fluidity, dog walking, standing on one leg to get dressed, putting shoes on, going up & down steps. General house chores.

Benefiting these medical, health, mind & body conditions- 

Neuromuscular conditions, Parkinson's disease, dementia, obesity, cancer rehabilitation, stroke, back pain & multiple sclerosis.



Elements of physical functioning worked-

  • Obstacle negotiation

  • Walking gait

  • Agility

  • Sit to stand

Improving the following activities of daily living-

Getting dressed, in & out of bed, standing & sitting transferring body weight, bending down, reaching hip, rotating, walking well & taking part in activities.  

Benefiting these medical, health, mind & body conditions- 

Chronic diseases: Being able to move freely can help reduce the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes & some cancers. Osteoporosis: Regular weight-bearing exercises, like walking, can help maintain bone density & reduce the risk of osteoporosis-related fractures. Arthritis, falls & mobility work can help prevent injuries. Other benefits of good mobility include: improved posture, reduced stress levels, better stamina, improved mood & revved up metabolism.



Elements of physical functioning worked-

  • Heart function

  • Respiratory system

  • Aerobic fitness

Improving the following activities of daily living-

It's easier to move & walk about, sitting, standing for long periods of time, travelling, driving, showering or bathing, having fun, enjoying social activities, cooking & doing house work & gardening.

Benefiting these medical, health, mind & body conditions- 

Boosts your cognitive clarity, mood, improves brain health, heart health, self esteem & energy levels. It has been scientifically proven that people who take part in regular aerobic exercise (30 minutes a day) have a lower risk of; coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hip fractures from falls,  dementia (including Alzheimer's) & bowel cancer.

Tackle your housework 

Carry your shopping bags

Have fun days out sightseeing

Move outdoors with confidence

Enjoy holidays & trips

Smiling Senior Couple
Elderly Woman at Gym
Senior Citizen Exercise Class
iPhone in Hand

Text me
to fast track
your bookings

O77O9 594 947

The First Place Kendal Group Exercise an
  • Tracy Dixon Mind and Body Fit Facebook
  • Tracy Dixon Mind and Body Fit YouTube
  • @tracydixonmindbodyfit

The First Place, Kirkland, Kendal LA9 5AF 

Tracy Dixon Mind & Body Fit 2025

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